This is Harvest Moment : Doa yang membuat perubahan Cet.1
Author(s)GOENAWAN, Sariwati
PublisherSinode GKKA Indonesia / Bandung / 2013
ISBN / ISSN978-602-8073-85-1
Notes. .

Physical Dimension

Number of pages140 hal.
Dimension21 cm.
Other desc.Ilus


Accesssion No.Call NumberLocationStatus
2423229652 UU05 GOE T. Ruang KoleksiAvailable
2423129651 UU05 GOE T. Ruang KoleksiAvailable
We get no good
By being ungenerous, even to a book,
And calculating profits-so much help
By so much reading. It is rather when
We gloriously forget ourselves, and plunge
Soul-forward, headlong, into a book's profound,
Impassioned for its beauty, and salt of truth-
'Tis then we get the right good from a book.
E.B. BROWNING - Aurora Leigh